Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pancake Day!!

That's right everyone, happy Pancake Day. More known to people as Mardi Gras. Also known as Shrove Tuesday to some, Pancake Day has a direct connection with Lent. Traditionally during Lent people would practice liturgical fasting which would only allow you to consume the plainest of foods. Thus, the day before Lent begins, people would use the remainder of any "rich" foods by making things like pancakes. So... go home, make yourself some pancakes for lunch, and celebrate this Tuesday!

Sorry for the non-music related post, but I thought it was interesting. Anyhow, to the heart of matters... I have a few more bands to share with you today. Go ahead and take a gander if you please:

Interpol is by no means an "underground" band but they definitely have that indie feel that I've been into lately. The four-man group comes from New York City.


Pedro the Lion has been another group I've been enjoying for a little while now. I was listening to a recording of Dustin Kensrue playing live someplace (I don't think it was the show he played at the Knitting Factory...) but he played a Pedro the Lion cover and I just had to check them out. Pedro the Lion comes from Seattle featuring David Bazan who has actually moved on to bigger things in his career. Quoted from their myspace:

"Though songwriter David Bazan fronts the enigmatic rock band Pedro the Lion, his emotionally charged narratives, eye for telling detail, and mournful voice have more in common with J.D. Salinger's "Nine Stories" or Flannery O'Connor's "Wise Blood" than with the usual lyrical slant of popular music. Bazan is a gifted storyteller, weaving parables of spiritual conflict, suburban ennui, and personal surrender into magnetic, well-crafted songs. David Bazan retired the Pedro The Lion band name in 2006. He's now releasing music under his own name. His first solo release "Fewer Moving Parts" is available now."


Mute Math is a group a close friend of mine suggested to me over a year ago. Again, no underground band, but something everyone should hear. Mute Math has this electro-Alt feel to them. The four members come from New Orleans. Don't really know how to better describe them. Here is a quote from their myspace:

"Born in the dust-laden family garage with archaic samplers, Radio Shack mics, and broken record players, Mute Math have been noisily calculating their notes for the past few years. This electro-alt rock collaboration between longtime friends Paul Meany (vocals/keys), Darren King (drums), Greg Hill (guitar), and Roy Mitchell-Cardenas (bass) has crept up on the music scene with the onslaught of a worldwide fan-base driven to their website from countless video blogs and non-stop touring."


Well, I need to get to class or I'm going to be late so that's all for today. Again, I know these groups aren't the underground stuff I was listing before, but I won't always be listing the same sort of stuff. I'm all about any good tunes. I hope you agree. Anyhow, have a great day filled with pancakey goodness.

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